วันจันทร์ที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556



Today, I learned about " Procedure", it is to tell the reader hoe to do or make something. The information is presented in a logical sequence of events which is broken up into small sequenced steps. These texts are usually written in the present tense. The most common example of a procedural text is a recipe. For example, I learned the text is about "How to cook Omelette" and  "How to cook Chicken soup". They were easy for reading because they were presented in a logical sequence of events which is broken up into small sequenced steps. After that, I did exercises about these stories in class. At the end of class, I read about "Learning a Second language" and chose answering in the exercise until finished class. Today, I enjoyed this lesson because it was interesting, and I can understand all texts.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556


Today, I studied about "Descriptive" in the morning class. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. This kind of text helps me visualize and understand a topic. It also explains the characteristics of the adjectives help me visualize the topic. For example, I read about "Ants" today. Its describe was mild mapping to help the readers to understand more. Mind mapping helps to classify of Ants, it is easy to remember and information. Next, I read the information about Komodo Dragon (Varanus Komodoensis). I knew that the Komodo dragon or the Komodo monitor(Varanus Komodoensis) is giant monitor lizard found in Komodo island, a small semi-arid island located between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores. The prehistoric animal can also found in several other nearby islands including Rinca islang in the Indonesian archipelago. After I read all of story, I could answer all questions and do exercises. Then, I read about "Budapest" and "Prague" at the end of the morning class. These two stories were more difficult than "Ants" and "Komodo Dragon" because the vocabularies were understand hard, and I didn't know the meaning in some words. However, I enjoyed to read them all. I can improve my reading skill and have more knowledge. Descriptive is the one way to help the readers can remember information because of its classification. I think it is so-so, not too easy and difficult for reading.

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Narratives(To continue yesterday)


Today, I studied about the narratives to continue yesterday. I read the part 2 of Secrets story. I knew all of story and understood more yesterday. The part one, the narrator explained about the main character who is Kylie. She lived with her mother and her Mum's new husband. Her mother and father have divorced since she was young. She always wondered things which her mother and Philip(Mum's new husband) didn't want her knew them. One day, Kylie found a second egg in the place between the fence and the tin. She saw a flash of white beneath a mound of vine cutting in the corner of the yard. She thought that it was a secret for her. So, she sat on the fence, sharing the secret with the hen. The part two, Kylie still followed the thing that she saw until she knew now that there would-be chicks. Furthermore, on nights when Philip and her mother had friends over, Kylie listened from the darked hallway to their jokes that made no sense. through the crack between door and jamb she saw them touching each other beneath the table, and she wanted to know-right-then-why her father and mother did not live together with her. It was something she was not allowed to know. She went back to her room and looked at the only picture in her album where her smile told her that there was something she know that the photographer(her father) didn't. It made her think philip and her mother were stupid. It stopped her from feeling lonely. She was angry and dislike Philip because he always hits her, and Kylie neglect her mother because she leaves Kylie out alone. So, Kylie didn't get warm from her family.

1. I admire / like / dislike / disapprove of / feel sorry for Kylie because she was pity and lonely.
2. I admire / like / dislike / disapprove of / feel sorry for Kylie's mother because she has a new husband and left Kylie out alone.
3. I admire / like / dislike / disapprove of / feel sorry for Philip because he hits kylie and doesn't want Kylie know his secret.
What do you feel about the story?
*** I feel sad because of Kylie's pity and lonely***
- Kylie's mother neglect her. She felt lonely and sad, so she was neglected and angry her mother and Philip. I don't like the neglect from my mother or my parents because the neglect makes me sad and lonely that is like Kylie.
>>coping with the absence of a parent<<
- Kylie looked at the picture and think of something which her smile. It stopped her from feeling lonely. Some days, she sat on the fence, sharing the secret with the hen. If I were Kylie, I would make friends when I felt lonely. I would do activities which can make me feel better, and consult with someone who I can share my feeling and problems.
- Kylie's mother left her out alone, so she had loneliness. I feel pity her. The problems of family are the main problem because they make family's members feel sad and lonely, especially children of family. They want warm from their parents. If the parents leave them out alone, they may do the bad things that affect to themselves and society. So, I dislike loneliness. I want to have the warm family that makes me happy and doesn't leave me alone.
Discussing the story's symbols
 * the eggs
- It can be compared with Kylie because the eggs are children's hen. if the hen doesn't lay on her eggs, they cannot become the chickens. On the other hand, Kylie has her parents but her father and mother don't live together, and her mother leaves her out alone. So, Kylie feels lonely because she doesn't get the warm from her parents.
* the well
- It can be compared with the place where leaves Kylie out from her mother, holding her in custody. She can't participate with her mother and Philip everything. Philip hit her, so she was angry him, and she was stressed and depressed. She hit the chickens like Philip hit her.
* the photos
- They are the things which Kylie can share her feeling and recognize her memories about life in family when she studied in kindergarten. And, she looked at her father in the picture because she missed him.
* Kylie's cutting of the photos
- She did it because she thought that she was alone, and she was ignored from her mother. So, she feel angry and neglected her mother and Philip.
If you were Kylie, what were you going to do?
*** I would do activities which make me feel better. I might find something outdoor for my feeling happy. Moreover, I would do a good thing that made my mother was proud of me and gave me love. If I had some problems in my family, I would consult someone who I can trust her/him and made me feel better. I would try to forget the bad things that made me feel terrible soon, and just smile be happy.***

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556



  I studied about "narratives" on 1 December,2013. There are many types of Narratives. They include fairy stories, mysteries, science fiction, choose-your-own-adventures, romances, horror stories, and etc. The focus of text is a sequence of actions. For example, I read the Secrets story in class, it had 2 parts of story. I read only part 1 in the morning class, the narrator explained about the main character who is Kylie. She lived with her mother and her Mum's new husband. Her mother and father have divorced since she was young. She always wondered things which her mother and Philip(Mum's new husband) didn't want her knew them. One day, Kylie found a second egg in the place between the fence and the tin. She saw a flash of white beneath a mound of vine cutting in the corner of the yard. She thought that it was a secret for her. So, she sat on the fence, sharing the secret with the hen. After reading, I feel confused some sentences because I didn't know what the words mean in some vocabularies. It was my first time that I read this story. However, it is one of the narrative stories which is interesting but I sometimes confuse in the story, Secrets. The narrator used the words strange and hard to understand for the readers. Today, I gained knowledge more from vocabularies in the Secrets story. I tried to understand and consult my friends in class about this story, including activity by answering questions. I enjoyed reading, and it was my new experience for improving my reading skill.

วันจันทร์ที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Recount (To continue yesterday)


   In the morning, I learned continually this lesson from yesterday. I learned the text which name is An Excursion to the Botanic Gardens today. It was about the place that students in the text went there, and then they wrote their activities in that day. The text is understood easily, and the procedure of the text is good. Then, I did exercises and answered all questions after reading. In addition, I practiced reading more from two texts. They were a personal recount, which two texts were short and easy to read. I understood mostly these texts, and got more knowledge from exercises by reading and answering questions. So, I think personal recount is the best form of recount types that suits for the beginning readers. However, I mistook a  little my answers, and I didn't know some words. So, I will improve my reading skill and look up more vocabularies. Today, I had more knowledge from reading and enjoyed to learn in this class.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556



        Today, I learned about recount in the morning. There are three types of recount. The types of recount consists personal recount, factual recount, and imaginative recount. The teacher explained each type, and give some examples for students. I began to study personal recount first. I knew how to write the story perfectly that provided by text organization, including orientation, events, and reorientation. Moreover, I can divide language features in the text. Then, I read the text which name is My Grandpa's Funeral in Toraja. This text is about the ceremony in Indonesia. The writer described how to do the ceremony and activities in the ceremony. It is different from Thailand that I think it is a good tradition, they joined it and do many activities together in the ceremony. So, I think this text is interesting because I never know that before. However, I had some problems when I read it. I sometimes misunderstand because I do not know some words in this text. Then, I looked up them on my dictionary. Today, I got more knowledge such as words, text organization, language features, and etc. Thank you teacher for give a lot of knowledge to me.

วันอังคารที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2556

Discourse Introduction

Discourse Introduction

  On 18 November 2013, I studied a Discourse Approach in Reading at the first class in this semester. A teacher introduced herself and explained about discourse markers. I studied about it and did exercises about genres of text. I knew genres of text such as Cause/Effect, definition, Problem solving, Procedure, Classification, and Comparison and Contrast. Moreover, I got many knowledge from vocabularies, linking verbs or conjunctions that a teacher gave a few sheets in the class. So, I knew how to use discourse markers more which benefit for writing in my daily life.